Saturday, September 25, 2021

1977 Superstar Christie

 The other doll I received for my birthday is 1977 Superstar Christie!

She is a reproduction of the Superstar Christie from 1977. (I got my Superstar Christie for my birthday in 1979.)

Look at that face and smile! No wonder child me thought she was the most beautiful doll I had ever seen.

The new doll - on the right - comes with a plastic stand. The original doll came with a yellow, star-shaped stand that I no longer own.

The new doll's dress is a little brighter, than the old dress, but that could be to it fading over the years. The new doll is a great reproduction.

The only difference, I think, is that the new head is a bit larger than the old head, and the smile is not as toothy. I am so excited to finally have her.


  1. Happy birthday to you! That's a wonderful present! The doll is gorgeous! I really appreciate the companies making reproduction for people who didn't get a chance to have those dolls back in the days!

  2. They are both gorgeous. Congrats and happy birthday! 🎈🎉🎊🎂

