Tuesday, August 2, 2016

UFDC Convention 2016 - Washington, D.C.: Part 5

Saturday morning came very quickly. I was up early, early, early so I could help out with the Helper buckets at 6:30AM. That is right, 6:30. We got all the Helper buckets to the ballroom and then removed all the labels and lids and put them into the buckets so that the drawings would go quickly.

At 8:30AM I took my leave from the drawings to attend a 9AM workshop: Sister Mary Laetitia - Your Nun's Story which was taught by Fr Francois Sainte-Marie.

We started with a doll made by the sponsoring club, and a bag of partially fitted outfit pieces.

The Father than had a veil and naming ceremony for each doll as he pinned the veil on.

I then quickly made my way over to my luncheon, Dolley Madison - Our Nation's Kindred Spirit. In fact I made my way over so quickly that I forgot to go up to my room and get my table gifts. Oh, well. There were plenty of goodies on the table, already.

After a tasty lunch, a historian and Dolley impersonator gave a speech on Dolley Madison and the invasion of D.C. It was very informative and well done. 

The souvenir doll is a Cissette as Dolley Madison, she is fabulous.

After lunch I went to the Helper room to see if I won anything. I did! I won 2 dolls.
Doll #1 is a large Mariquita Perez.

Doll #2 is this lovely Cissy! I came to the convention wanting a Cissy, and I went home with one. I was so happy, and surprised that I actually got her.

I did a last little walk around the Dealer's room in the last 15 minutes they were open, and managed to buy one last doll. A cute little Island cutie by Judy Porter.

Totally exhausted I went back to the room and took a nap. I think I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow. When I woke up an hour later I felt like a brand new person.

Eventually it was time to get dressed up and take up my position of table host in the ballroom. The table centerpieces were a simple vase and fake flowers.

This time I did remember to bring my table favors.

The ladies at my table were a lot of fun. We even got shushed by someone at a nearby table once. Oh, well. 

The souvenir doll was passed out at the end of the banquet.

She is a lovely Heather Maciak vinyl doll with soft features and bright red hair, named Anne.

She even has own little doll.

Some of the other dolls I got from the dealer's room earlier this week are Jill,

Ginny as Tinkerbell, and Ginny as the Sorcerers Apprentice. All three were from the Vogue booth. I tend to always visit their booth first thing and find some lovely items.

After the banquet I packed up all my clothing, and items, and dolls, dolls, dolls, and went to bed.

It was a great convention and I look forward to the next one, but now I need to sleep for a week or two to recover.

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